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Energy & Utilities

Computer vision, combined with overhead imagery and artificial intelligence, unlocks significant potential for identifying operational risks in the oil, gas, and energy industries.
Oil Refinery

Inspect, maintain, and secure energy infrastructure with cutting-edge visual intelligence technology to better monitor and manage infrastructure, improving reliability and reducing outages.


Unlock the power of AI to rapidly detect hidden risks and vulnerabilities across the energy ecosystem, ensuring proactive risk management.


Leverage AgileView’s data augmentation engines to address failing AI in inspection activities.

  • Utilize AI to process satellite, drone, helicopter, and field crew data for asset inventory, anomaly detection, work prioritization, and condition tracking over time.

  • Analyze asset images in hours or days instead of months, helping maintenance teams prioritize repairs and minimize failure risks.

  • Deliver timely alerts to the right people across workflows, enabling informed decisions for effective planning and rapid response to pre-and post-storm events, or during routine inspections.

Advanced Applications

AgileView and its partners provide a one-stop-shop for energy infrastructure inspections, including data management, mapping, analysis, visualization, and reporting.

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Leverage Visual-Based Proactive Risk Management To Minimize Failure And Downtime

Discover how AgileView's computer vision solutions can enhance your operational efficiency by supporting your team’s ability to analyze millions of visual data points.

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